Sunday, 20 April 2014

New look 100sd giveaway!

Hi girls!
I hope you like our new look, with our BRAND NEW LOGO!

To celebrate our new look, I am doing a giveaway of 100 stardollars to a stardoll account.

What you have to do:
Decide whether you like this new look or the old one,
say why,
and if you haven't see the old one,
say if you like/don't like the new look.
Its okay if you don't! I love to hear things I can improve on!

Just comment below with your stardoll name!

Enter now! Ends  2nd Of  May so come back to our blog!

Have fun girlos!x
Owner,manager, writer, XxxSairaXxx


  1. well i think i like this one. why? well, it really is cute and girly and i think it is professional and it says the name of the blog. i mean whats better than something so cute and so girly and has its name on it ?

  2. I like this new look better, because its better to have the club name written all over the blog instead of your doll!

  3. For me is too much pink, i prefer more subdued background :) I don't know how looked like blog earlier, but now for me it isn't good look.

    Best regards :)

    Sorry for my english, but i'm from Poland :)


  4. I love the new design!!! I love pink! mabe you can change the color every month or something like that... ;D But I really like it...


  5. Great to hear all these comments!

    You are all entered into our #giveaway2014

    Thank you!

  6. If your having difficulty posting, please tell me!

  7. Username: Cutevenice188
    I like this layout better than the old one since it's more organized, but what I don't like is the backround. I prefer a nice patterned background, but this background is fine with me. Nevertheless, keep up the good work on your blog! :))

  8. Username: Esther-girl
    I haven't seen the old one but I like the new one. I think the logo looks very cool with the different fonts for each letter and it catches my eye. I think the pink background is a little to plain. I think it would be better if it was like black and pink zig zags. But overall its really nice :)

  9. Username: AngelAmiPink
    I love cherry color so I think that the logo will be more cool with this color(This color is fashionable),but I love this logo too. :)

  10. file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Admin/Desktop/kleakleaaaaa.bmp I am AngelAmiPink and this is the logo that I made ;)

  11. Hi girls.

    I loved all your amazing entrys.

    One that really stood out had tobe Mizz_Angel20, it was great!

    Well done, I will message you now and I will send you 100sd!


    Mizz_angel20 did not enter on the blog, but by private message.

