She is a part-time writer , which we hope will deliver amazing posts. She has an amazing stardoll , one of the most famous in Ireland.
Here is a little bit she would like to say about herself:
"My name's Aoife, I'm almsot 16, I first started playing stardoll in 2006 but my first account was deleted. I am a grammar noob. I dont' regard myself as famous on stardoll, I found stardoll from a cousin, she had found it at a summer camp thing in 2006 we instantly joined the paperdoll heaven. the first time I won NCG, I was over the moon but now it's just a novalty and when it's like "Cool.. another damn trophy to go into storage"
She has won NCG 14 times :)
We hope you like her posts and visit her on stardoll , at her AMAZING suite!
Owner and writer , XxxSairaXxx
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